Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mile Markers

I believe strongly in the importance of milestones- I will always celebrate birthdays, anniversaries; accomplishments are to be recognized. But not for the sheer fact that you have reached them. They should be celebrated because of what has happened and been achieved since the last one was celebrated- hopefully it''s progress.

That's where my theory comes from that my blog should be a moving snapshot. These posts are my mile markers- and only God knows what the final destination is for me. And while I hope to provide you (meaning myself) with updates and opportunity to reflect, I am not picture perfect.

These snapshots along the way- however frequent or inconsistent- will be honest, possibly painfully so. I think feedback is a good thing- but I've learned you have to be careful who you let speak into your life, and how much you share.

I wanted to come up with a clever user name, and really witty way to say everything I would put into this blog. But I'm corny, and most of the usernames I would have picked would not have been available anyway. And while I could have shy'd away from this blogosphere, a culture of which I've always wanted to be a part of, or used that as another excuse not to write even though I've wanted to for so long, here I am. Perhaps the next snapshot will be a brief and Pulitzer Prize winning comic relief. And if not- I'll still be here.